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Discover our app-based online course: MASV

Your health insurance covers the costs!

Treat yourself to the valuable prevention course “MASV – Reducing Stress with Mindfulness.” The MASV course offers you certified quality and effectively and sustainably supports you in managing stress.

As a bonus, you will also receive 12 months of MINDZEIT Premium as a gift from us.

What will I learn in the MASV course?

MASV enhances the ability to create less stress for oneself, promoting a more balanced and resilient response to challenges.

The MASV course consists of 8 sequential units, exercise instructions, an interactive knowledge quiz, and an informative handbook with in-depth and supplementary information and strategies for better stress management.

🛈 Learn more about the contents of the individual course modules

MINDZEIT collaborates with statutory health insurance providers. Depending on the insurer, up to 100% of the costs for the MASV course may be reimbursed.

To Reimbursement Check

Manfred Schmitz will guide you on your journey to greater mindfulness and well-being

„With over 30 years of experience as a consultant and psychotherapist, I have supported adults, adolescents, children, and families in coping with their inner and outer problems and challenges.

People from diverse professional and age groups, as well as various social backgrounds, have come to me. They have provided me with deep insights into the fact that being human often means facing problems that can push us to our limits.

Unfortunately, life is often not easy, right?!

However, from experience, I also know how much mindfulness helps to reduce stress and that mindfulness is a resource that is always and everywhere available to us, leading to a life with less stress and more quality of life!

Based on my extensive experience as an MBSR teacher, mindfulness trainer, and psychologist, I have created the online self-help course MASV for you.”

Get started now!

Manfred Schmitz is a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist. Since 2005, he has been a certified teacher of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) according to Jon Kabat-Zinn.

How do I obtain the MASV course?

1. Register or log in

First, create an account or log in with your existing MINDZEIT account. You will also need this later to log into the MINDZEIT app.

Log in

2. Purchase the MASV course

Purchase the MASV course using your preferred payment method and keep the payment receipt to submit later to your health insurance provider.


3. Download the MINDZEIT app

Download the MINDZEIT app from the respective app store and log in with the account you created earlier. You can now start your MASV course in the MINDZEIT app!

Now do the reimbursement check:

Secure your online prevention course: “MASV – Reducing Stress with Mindfulness” and receive 12 months of free access to MINDZEIT Premium.

How much is your reimbursement?

Prevention Course

including 12 months of MINDZEIT Premium

99,00 €

One-time payment *

How the reimbursement works in 4 steps

Get started now!

1: Registration

Register or log in and get your access to the app-based online course: “MASV – Reducing Stress with Mindfulness” for €99.00. To reinforce what you’ve learned, you will also receive 12 months of free access to the entire MINDZEIT app!

2: Complete the Course

Fully complete the app-based online course: “MASV – Reducing Stress with Mindfulness” in the MINDZEIT app to be eligible for reimbursement from your health insurance provider.

3: Receive Certificate

Once you have successfully completed the MASV course, you will conveniently receive your participation certificate directly in your MINDZEIT app. Our customer support is here to assist you with any questions or issues!

4: Request Reimbursement

Submit the payment receipt along with the certificate to your health insurance provider to receive your reimbursement. Please note that the reimbursement amount may vary depending on the insurance provider.

What can you expect in the individual MASV course modules?

Module 1: Mindfulness & Autopilot

You will learn:

  • About the nature and function of the autopilot and how to stop it using mindfulness.
  • What mindfulness is and how it helps you to be more present, self-confident and effective in managing stress in your life.

You will practice:

  • A sensory exercise to reflect and experience mindfulness in practice.
  • A short meditation to stabilize, anchor and calm yourself.
  • The Body Scan meditation in a 15-minute format, which enhances your body awareness and relaxation, teaching you to approach yourself with more kindness and acceptance.

Module 2: How We Perceive the World

You will learn:

  • How mindfulness helps you perceive your life more consciously and avoid unnecessary stress.
  • About the negative effects of perception habits driven by the autopilot.
  • Which valuable soft skills can be practiced alongside mindfulness, such as patience, acceptance, and kindness.
  • How multitasking is a myth and how mindfulness, as a form of monotasking, has a calming effect on the mind, body, and emotions.

You will practice:

  • The IDA exercise, a so-called anchor exercise, in which you can calm your nervous system through mindfulness of your body zones and a special breathing technique.
  • The complete Body Scan, which enhances your body awareness and relaxation. You will practice focused attention and improve your concentration skills.
  • A more relaxed approach to emerging thoughts.

Module 3: Being at Home in the Body

You will learn:

  • A comprehensive introduction to sitting meditation and breath meditation. Discover why the breath is an ideal object of mindfulness and how it can contribute to stabilizing and calming your mind as a constantly available resource.
  • The inner attitudes that are beneficial for dealing with your experiences in mindfulness practice. Learn how to avoid practice errors, clarify misunderstandings, and strengthen your motivation and confidence.
  • The transformative power of positive emotions. Understand how positive emotions influence the mind and body and serve as a source of resilience.

You will practice:

  • A self-exploration exercise to discover positive emotions. Learn about the positive effects on your mind and body and recognize positive emotions as a source of resilience.
  • Mindful bodywork through a series of body exercises, including yoga and stretching exercises while standing. Experience how to connect your mind and body, find stability and mental calmness and learn to approach your physical limits healthily.

Module 4: Causes and Effects of Stress

You will learn:

  • Insights into your personal stress factors through the analysis of situations, thoughts, emotions, impulses to act, and behaviors.
  • Fundamentals of stress theory: Understand stress as a natural adaptive response of the organism, learn about the components and levels of stress response, as well as the effects of chronic stress. Explore mindfulness-based stress reduction as a preventive approach.
  • The model of the stress tolerance window: Learn how to prevent or regulate excessive stress reactions by perceiving early warning signs.

You will practice:

  • The 3-Minute Breathing Space as a check-in exercise and “inner weather report” for calming and centering, as well as a method to interrupt or prevent stress-related patterns. This practice promotes better self-regulation and self-care.
  • Walking meditation as a form of mindful body awareness in motion: Discover a practical alternative to sitting meditation. This mindfulness practice helps to focus attention and enhances body awareness, relaxation, and mental calmness.

Module 5: Creating Distance from Stress-Enhancing Thoughts

You will learn:

  • How our thoughts positively and negatively influence our lives and health.
  • About the phenomenon of constant thought activity, including its evolutionary advantages and disadvantages.
  • The origins of our tendency toward negativity in thinking and how the brain does not differentiate between real or imagined dangers.
  • The effects of merging with negative thoughts on our emotional and physical stress reactions—and why thoughts themselves are not the problem, but rather our identification with them is.

You will practice:

  • A repetition of the breathing space exercise to become aware of inner (including thought) signals and to access information for necessary stress and resource management.
  • A self-exploration exercise to create distance from negative thoughts.
  • Another self-exploration exercise in which thoughts are viewed as hands that filter and block our perception of the world and our options for action.
  • A mindfulness practice focusing on observing and naming thoughts, along with a mindfulness meditation emphasizing the awareness and naming of thoughts to practice managing thoughts and gaining distance through naming.

Module 6: Regulating Difficult Emotions with Mindfulness

You will learn:

  • The significance and impact of emotions: Understand emotions as messengers of needs and as drivers of behavior. Explore the evolutionary causes and significance of negative feelings, as well as the effects of avoidance strategies.
  • How mindfulness assists in dealing with difficult emotions: Particularly within the framework of the stress tolerance window. Discover specific mindfulness-based strategies for managing negative (difficult) emotions.
  • Methods for handling challenging feelings: Especially when you find yourself in the “red zone.” Examine emergency measures in the form of stress tolerance skills and how mindfulness can help you recognize early warning signs to prevent emotional overwhelm.
  • Healthy and constructive approaches to anger and frustration in everyday life: Learn how mindfulness can help defuse conflicts and protect your health from chronic anger.

You will practice:

  • The “breath space” and the “inner weather report”: For the mindful recognition of current emotions. Learn to recognize emotions as messengers and to approach them with mindfulness and distance.
  • A self-exploration exercise: In which you playfully and symbolically suppress a feeling to experience how this binds resources. Feel the difference when you allow yourself to acknowledge emotions mindfully.
  • The 3-2-1 exercise: For reducing emotional tension in the face of short-term, challenging emotions. This practice helps anchor your attention and alleviate emotional burdens.

Module 7: Mindfulness, Self-Compassion and Self-Care

You will learn:

  • A fundamental introduction to the concepts of compassion and self-compassion, including definitions, reasons for a lack of self-compassion, and research findings on the effects of self-kindness and self-compassion on stress reduction and resilience.
  • The significance and function of the inner critical voice, as well as how self-kindness and self-compassion can serve as stress-reducing alternatives.
  • An overview of the three central emotional regulation systems: the alarm system, the drive system and the soothing/care system.

You will practice:

  • The “breath space with compassion” exercise, as a self-compassion-focused variation of the breath space practice, to enhance the ability for self-compassion and self-care.
  • The “heart warmth” exercise to cultivate positive feelings such as kindness and goodwill as a foundation for self-compassion.

Module 8: Mindful Communication and Conclusion

You will learn:

  • How to handle negative emotions in communication.
  • The differences between mindful and mindless communication, including the significance of effective communication for our well-being and resilience.
  • How mindful listening is enhanced through presence and focused attention, along with practical suggestions for practice.
  • The conditions for mindful speaking, with recommendations regarding alignment, presence, motivation, goals, and connection with feelings and needs, illustrated with relatable examples.

You will practice:

  • Activating the attitudes of mindfulness to deepen and solidify the practice of mindful communication.

Conclusion and Outlook:

  • Reflection on what has been learned and how to integrate it into daily life. Discussion of the next steps for continuing and deepening the practice of mindfulness and mindful communication to strengthen your well-being and resilience.

MASV Course

Important Notes​

Keep your purchase receipt after the transaction, as you will need it later for reimbursement from your statutory health insurance provider. Some insurance companies limit the number of reimbursements per person to 1-2 measures per year. For more information, please contact your health insurance provider.

Your access to the MINDZEIT app will automatically expire after 12 months, without the need for you to actively cancel it. If you enjoy the MASV course, you can complete the course again and request reimbursement from your health insurance provider once more.

Get started now!